Document Graphs for the Data Mesh: How we can leverage connections to create data products
A Talk by Gavin Mendel-Gleason (CTO, TerminusDB)
About this Talk
The Data Mesh is a new paradigm for enterprise data management which places domain experts in the driver-seat of data creation and curation.
The data warehouse solved a big problem for enterprises - the problem of siloed data which had no visibility. However it also created new problems, divorcing content experts from control over data modelling, data creation, and data curation. Over-centralisation created new headaches while solving the problem of visibility.
The Data Mesh helps to overcome both problems - by decentralising data content creation using a mesh infrastructure which retains interoperability and visibility. Knowledge graphs have a big role to play in these developments.
TerminusX uses the well known concepts of universal resource identifiers and JSON documents to produce linked data which can link to other domains throughout the organisation. Modelling and curation resides with the domain experts and cross-functional teams which can ensure that the content is clean, well structured and up-to-date.
TerminusX helps domain experts to start building data products intended for the mesh, starting one product at a time and scaling up as needed.
Talk+Live Q&A at the Eastern Auditorium in Connected Data World Center; Free Live Streaming
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