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Jeff Tang Paramita Mirza Ivo Velitchkov Jerry Michalski Alan Morrison

Personal Knowledge Graphs: A new paradigm for data sovereignty, productivity and creativity

A Talk by Paramita Mirza , Jeff Tang , Jerry Michalski , Ivo Velitchkov and Alan Morrison

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About this Talk


Are your personal data, documents, files and messages all over the place?

Do you find yourself switching between applications, devices and files, unable to remember or find what you were looking for?

Would it make you feel better to know that it's not entirely your fault, and maybe there is a way out?

You know the stories about how the volume of data the world generates every day has gone through the roof. You know how most platforms want to lock you and your data in.

The volume and complexity of data each person has to manage today is comparable to what business owners and knowledge management professionals had to manage a few years ago.

What if each one of us could use the tools and practices professionals use to manage their data and build knowledge, while avoiding vendor lock-in?

A new generation of tools aiming to democratize access to knowledge management best practices and technology previously reserved for professional use is on the rise.

These tools, geared towards personal use, come in many shapes and forms. But they have one thing in common: they treat connections and context as first-class citizens, leveraging the graph paradigm.

Join us as we explore the rise of the Personal Knowledge Graph, and discuss use cases, tools, features and functionality, challenges and opportunities, and how to get started with PKGs.

Key Topics

  • What is a Personal Knowledge Graph?
  • What are Personal Knowledge Graphs good for? What are the use cases?
  • How do I build a Personal Knowledge Graph? What are the options / tools available?
  • What are the features in Personal Knowledge Graph tools?
  • Towards a PKG ecosystem: Data interchange, semantics, interoperability

Target Audience

  • Freelancers
  • Creatives
  • Power users
  • Privacy-aware individuals
  • Researchers


  • Define and explore the interplay between the most advanced technology for managing data and knowledge and user-oriented tools
  • Answer questions that matter
    • How can knowledge graphs be democratized for end users?
    • What are some use cases and examples for personal knowledge graphs?
    • How can personal knowledge graphs be populated?
    • What tools are available today?
    • What are some important features to look for in personal knowledge graph tools?
    • What will it take to seed a PKG ecosystem?
    • What are the next milestones / roadblocks?

Session outline:

  • Introduction
    • Meet and Greet
    • Setting the stage
  • Definitions and background
    • What is a Knowledge Graph?
    • What is a Personal Knowledge Graph?
    • What are the sources for PKGs to draw from?
    • How can machine learning / NLP help create and populate PKGs?
    • What kind of problems can we solve by using it?
    • What are the major roadblocks / goals, how could we address them, and what would that enable?
    • Who are some key players to keep an eye on?
  • Use Cases
    • Note-taking and digital gardening
    • Personal data archiving from own sources (Email, documents, online resources, others)
    • Personal data archiving from 3rd party sources (Government, Social media, others)
    • Annotation (Manual or via NLP)
    • Collaboration (requires interoperability)


  • Extended panel
  • Expert discussion, coordinated by moderator
  • 2 hours running time
  • Running time includes modules of expert discussion, interspersed with modules of audience Q&A / interaction


Beginner to Advanced

Prerequisite Knowledge


You need an access pass to attend this session: Diversity Access Pass or Full Access Pass apply

01 December 2021, 06:00 PM

06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

About The Speakers

Paramita Mirza

Paramita Mirza

Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Paramita Mirza is a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken, Germany. She received her PhD degree from the University of Trento, Italy in spring 2016. She recently co-organized a Workshop on Personal Knowledge Graphs Co-located with the 3rd Automatic Knowledge Base Construction Conference (AKBC'21)

Jeff Tang

Jeff Tang

Founder, Athens Research

Jeff Tang is the founder of Athens Research, a collaborative knowledge graph that helps research teams solve complex problems.

Jerry Michalski

Jerry Michalski

Founder, Open Global Mind

Jerry is the founder of Open Global Mind, a community working to help humans make better decisions together, and the curator of Jerry's Brain, a 23-year-old mind map that holds everything he's found worth remembering. He also cares about trust.

Ivo Velitchkov

Ivo Velitchkov

Independent Consultant, Independent Consultant

Ivo Velitchkov is an independent management and data consultant. For the last 25 years, he has worked with big public and private organizations helping them with their strategy, structures and information. He has worked as a project manager, CEO, coach, consultant, researcher, and trainer.

Alan Morrison

Alan Morrison

Solo knowledge graph consultant and writer, Knowledge graph consulting

Alan helps business leaders focus on how to use new technologies together most effectively in their transformation efforts, especially data and analytics technologies. Top Quora Writer, conceptual thinker, strategic advisor and writer on the future of business and technology.