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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

George Anadiotis

George Anadiotis

Managing Director | Founder | Contributor, Connected Data World | Linked Data Orchestration | Year of the Graph | ZDNet | VentureBeat

Ashleigh Faith

Ashleigh Faith

Director of Platform Knowledge Graph and Semantic Search, EBSCO

Katariina Kari

Katariina Kari

Lead Ontologist, IKEA

Paco Nathan

Paco Nathan

Managing Partner, Derwen Inc.

Tara Raafat

Tara Raafat

Semantic/Metadata Architect, CTO Office at Bloomberg LP

Panos Alexopoulos

Panos Alexopoulos

Head of Ontology, Textkernel

David Amzallag

David Amzallag

Chief Product and Digital Transformation Officer, BlackSwan Technologies

Peter Crocker

Peter Crocker

CEO, Oxford Semantic Technologies

Dave Duggal

Dave Duggal

CEO & Founder, EnterpriseWeb

Atanas Kiryakov

Atanas Kiryakov

Founder, CEO, Ontotext

Szymon Klarman

Szymon Klarman

Knowledge Architect, BlackSwan Technologies

Ora Lassila

Ora Lassila

Principal Graph Technologist, Amazon Neptune

Dr. Victor Lee

Dr. Victor Lee

VP of Machine Learning and AI, TigerGraph

Gavin Mendel-Gleason

Gavin Mendel-Gleason

CTO, TerminusDB

James Phare

James Phare

Founder, Connected Data World | Neural Alpha

Keshav Pingali

Keshav Pingali

CEO, Katana Graph

Jörg Schad

Jörg Schad

CTO, ArangoDB

Ivo Velitchkov

Ivo Velitchkov

Independent Consultant, Independent Consultant

Andrea Volpini

Andrea Volpini

CEO, Founder, Wordlift


Connected Data World 2021 Program Roundtable

18 November 2021, 05:00 PM
Ashleigh Faith James Phare George Anadiotis Tara Raafat Panos Alexopoulos Katariina Kari Andrea Volpini Ivo Velitchkov Paco Nathan

Reasoning for the Answer: Who is the Greatest Formula 1 Driver of all Time?

03 December 2021, 12:20 PM
Peter Crocker

Document Graphs for the Data Mesh: How we can leverage connections to create data products

03 December 2021, 12:20 PM
Gavin Mendel-Gleason

One graph to bind them all! Linking data and apps for event-driven interoperability & automation

03 December 2021, 02:00 PM
Dave Duggal

RDF Leveled the Advantages of LPG and Keeps 3 Key Benefits: Standards, Semantics and Interoperability

03 December 2021, 03:20 PM
Atanas Kiryakov

Graph Analytics vs Graph Machine Learning

03 December 2021, 03:20 PM
Jörg Schad

Knowledge Mesh: From Data Silos to Data Fabric at Global 2000 Enterprises

03 December 2021, 07:30 PM
David Amzallag Szymon Klarman

Graph Algorithms and Graph Machine Learning: Making Sense of Today's Choices

03 December 2021, 07:30 PM
Victor Lee

Knowledge Graphs, Graph AI, and the Need for High-performance Graph Computing

03 December 2021, 09:00 PM
Keshav Pingali

Graph Abstractions Matter

03 December 2021, 10:20 PM
Ora Lassila